Over the years, the thin skin of the eyelids loses its ability to regenerate and produce collagen and elastin – proteins that affect its elasticity and tissue density. As a result of aging processes, the eyelids stretch more and more, visually adding years to us and, in some cases, even leading to a reduction in the field of vision. Laser eyelid correction is a safe, effective and minimally invasive procedure, thanks to which we can get rid of drooping upper eyelids and excessively stretched, baggy lower eyelids.
The essence of laser eyelid lifting is to heat the eye area and deep layers of the eyelid skin, both from the inside and the outside. The effect of this is the shortening of collagen fibers, resulting from their increased tension. In addition, the synthesis of new collagen fibers and the reconstruction of the existing ones are stimulated. The effect of this is to increase the tension and improve skin firmness.
Laser eyelid lifting is the best alternative to surgery – it is a non-invasive procedure, does not require convalescence, and at the same time, unlike classic surgery, in addition to a lifting effect, it also rejuvenates and eliminates wrinkles.
At the Medical Clinic Podhale Art in Zakopane, laser eyelid correction is performed under local anesthesia with the use of a modern CO2 laser. The patient feels only the first prickle, while the rest of the procedure is painless. The eyeballs are covered with a specialized cover so that the laser beam does not reach them, then the doctor makes a precise incision, simultaneously closing the blood vessels.
The entire procedure is virtually bloodless, which contributes to faster healing and regeneration. Then, with the help of micro-tools, the surgeon removes any fatty hernias, cuts out excess skin and gently shrinks the eyelid with a laser. The final step is to put on a thin seam.
The indications for laser eyelid lifting include all conditions associated with a defect in the skin around the eyes, such as:
As with any treatment in the field of aesthetic medicine, the laser eyelid lifting is also subject to contraindications. These include, among others:
The laser eyelid lifting procedure requires preparation. Of course, it is preceded by a medical consultation, which aims to determine the indications for the procedure, its scope and potential contraindications. The preparation includes discontinuing the treatment with oral retinoids 6 months before the planned procedure, and 2-3 weeks before the scheduled date, the discontinuation of drugs, photosensitizing herbs and creams with retinol and vitamin C.
The results of laser eyelid lifting are, above all, lifting the upper eyelids and reducing their laxity, smoothing and thickening the skin of the eyelids, removing wrinkles, bags under the eyes and crow’s feet, i.e. a visible rejuvenation of the appearance of the eye area.
The final effect can be observed about 2 months after the treatment, after complete healing, but after a few days you will be able to see the correct shape of the eyelid. However, you must take into account the initial appearance of swelling, redness, hematomas and bruises, which will gradually disappear. The big advantage of laser eyelid correction is the minimized scar, which becomes practically invisible after some time.
We cordially invite you to consultations and treatments at the Aesthetic Medicine Clinic at the Medical Clinic Podhale Art in Zakopane.