
Treatment of osteoporosis Zakopane – Specialist outpatient clinics Medical Clinic Podhale Art. We cordially invite you!

Osteoporosis is now becoming a growing health problem in highly developed countries due to an aging population. Osteoporotic fractures often lead to disability of patients, significantly reduce their quality of life, and in some cases lead to death. It is a common disease that usually appears after the age of 50. It affects more women than men. Osteoporotic lesions most often affect the spine, forearm bones and femoral neck, but may also occur in other locations. In this case, excessive bone susceptibility to damage results from a decrease in bone mineral density and disturbance of its structure and quality.

Primary and secondary osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is most often age-related and has a hormonal background. Hormonal deficiencies occurring in the period of menopause negatively affect the structure and strength of the bones. You should also not forget about some medications and other hormonal disorders that may also contribute to the development of the disease.

Secondary osteoporosis should also be mentioned, which results from the use of certain medications and in the course of chronic diseases.

The causes of secondary osteoporosis are: hormonal disorders (hypogonadism, hypercortisolemia, hyperparathyroidism and thyroid gland), metabolic diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, chronic kidney disease, rheumatic diseases, cancer, anorexia, immobilization.

Factors accelerating the development of osteoporosis

The development of osteoporosis is accelerated by the following factors:

  • poor diet (mainly low supply of calcium, vitamin D, malnutrition),
  • smoking tobacco,
  • alcohol abuse,
  • little physical activity,
  • insufficient exposure to sunlight.
Symptoms, diagnosis, treatment of osteoporosis in Zakopane

Bone fractures are the result of advanced osteoporosis. It should be remembered that not all osteoporotic fractures are painful. For example, fractures of the vertebral bodies of the spine are much more likely to be associated with decreased height and change in body shape, reduced lung capacity, obstruction in blood circulation than with actual pain. The most dangerous for the health and life of patients are fractures of the femoral neck. In half of the patients who have suffered this injury, there is a permanent loss of the ability to move independently and the risk of death increases significantly. Unfortunately, osteoporosis is still underdiagnosed and not adequately treated.

When diagnosing osteoporosis, at the Medical Clinic Podhale Art in Zakopane, we take into account clinical risk factors for fractures (use of certain drugs, family history, alcohol consumption, smoking or BMI); bone risk factors (assessed on the basis of densitometry) and estimate the 10-year risk of fractures (FRAX algorithm).

In the prevention of osteoporosis, there are non-pharmacological procedures, such as exercise and exercise, or an appropriate diet rich in calcium. Pharmacological management includes the use of vitamin D and calcium supplementation as well as specialized hormonal and anti-resorptive drugs.

Osteoporosis requires thorough diagnostics as well as specialized care and treatment. Patients over 50, especially women after menopause, should regularly check their skeleton.


Fractures of the vertebral bodies often cause chronic back pain syndrome, usually treated as a normal symptom of old age and degenerative changes in the spine. As a rule, patients are unable to recall the injury that resulted in a vertebral fracture (it may be caused by a slight movement, coughing, bending down, picking up an object).

Long bone fractures most often occur in the fall-winter season, which is associated with an increased number of slips and falls.

Typical for osteoporosis is a forearm fracture (in the wrist – when supported by a hand), as well as a femoral neck fracture. These fractures are accompanied by severe pain, limited mobility and distortion of the surrounding tissues.

Dietary recommendations


It is an essential component of healthy bone, which is why it is so important to provide the body with the right amount. The daily requirement for calcium varies:

  • in children up to 10 years of age it is 800 mg,
  • in adolescents and adults 1000 mg,
  • for pregnant women, during breastfeeding and after menopause, and in the elderly – 1500 mg.

The best source of calcium is food, but unfortunately in the Polish diet its supply is often even half the recommended amount. The most calcium is provided by milk and its products, other products contain too little or poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.

For example, about 1000 mg of calcium contain 3 cups of milk, 2 cups of milk, and 2 slices of cheese, 3-4 kef iry, 1000 mg of cottage cheese, 3 yoghurts. Low-fat foods contain the same amount of calcium as full-fat foods. For those who cannot tolerate milk, lactase-enriched milk or kefirs and yoghurts are recommended. Many foods, such as breakfast cereals and fruit juices, are fortified with calcium. Foods that reduce calcium absorption include spinach and other vegetables containing oxalic acid, and cereal grains containing phytic acid such as wheat bran (eaten in large amounts).

If it is not possible to cover the demand for calcium with diet alone, it is advisable to take calcium supplements.

Vitamin D

It is necessary to maintain the proper level of calcium in the body. Its source is food, but it is also produced in the skin under the influence of solar radiation. In Poland, adequate sunlight is from mid-June to mid-September, and a sufficient time of staying in the sun is 2-3 times a week for 15 minutes. In the remaining months, you should supplement vitamin D with food – it is recommended to eat a medium portion of oily fish (e.g. herring, mackerel, sardines) once a week or take vitamin D supplements. Good sources of vitamin D are also fish oil, milk, margarine and eggs. .


Both its insufficient and excessive consumption adversely affect the concentration of calcium in the body. The daily requirement for this element is 700-900 mg. Its sources are cheese, meat, fish, bread and eggs. Due to the fact that it is present in many foods and is easily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, phosphorus deficiency is rarely found for dietary reasons.


The recommended daily intake of protein is 1-1.5 g / kg body weight. It is necessary to maintain the efficiency of the musculoskeletal system. Protein deficiency in children leads to calcium malabsorption; and in the elderly it causes bone loss, a reduction in muscle strength (which promotes falls), and poor healing of fractures. It should be remembered that too much protein consumption also adversely affects the metabolism of calcium, increasing its loss in the urine.

We cordially invite you to the endocrinology and rheumatology clinics, as well as other specializations at the Medical Clinic Podhale Art in Zakopane, where diagnostics and treatment are carried out by experienced doctors.

Treatment of osteoporosis Zakopane – Specialist outpatient clinics Medical Clinic Podhale Art, Chramcówki 7, tel: +48 570 401 401

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Laser thermoablation of thyroid nodules (echolaser)
PLN 10000
Treatment of nodules with ethanol injections
PLN 100
PLN 300
Endocrinology consultation
PLN 250
Endocrinology consultation with thyroid ultrasound
PLN 330
Endocrinology consultation after biopsy
PLN 100
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PLN 100