Dental implantology

Dental implants Zakopane – at the Medical Clinic Podhale Art. We cordially invite you!

Dental implantology is a department dealing with the reconstruction of teeth. The loss of even a single tooth is not indifferent to the entire bite, so each loss should be replaced as soon as possible. If it is not refilled, it will adversely affect the functioning of the entire jaw and disturb the bite.

Dental implant

A dental implant is a titanium replacement for the natural root of the tooth, which looks like a small screw. Titanium it is made of is a biocompatible material that is well tolerated by the human body. It has the ability to connect with a living bone in the process of the so-called osseointegration. The implant can be treated as a kind of foundation on which a prosthetic crown – an artificial tooth – will be fixed with a connector.

Implants can prevent progressive bone deterioration and loss by mimicking the action of real tooth roots by naturally transferring bite forces to the bone.

Conventional solutions (e.g. bridges or dentures) do not allow this. As a result, the shape and, as a result, the profile of the face change unfavorably over time. The use of implants is currently the best method of filling missing teeth. The implant replaces the root of the natural tooth, while the adjacent healthy teeth remain intact. There is no need to grind them, as is the case, for example, in the process of restoring missing teeth with the use of a prosthetic bridge.

Dental implants in Zakopane in the Medical Clinic Podhale – here, implantology is done by very experienced specialists, for whom work is also a real passion.

Who are implants for?

Implantology is a perfect solution for people who have lost one, several or even all teeth. Implants can be inserted in patients whose bone growth has ended. In the case of women, it is around 16–18 years of age, and in the case of men, it is 18–20. However, there is no upper age limit – if there is no atrophy or change in the structure of bone tissue typical of the natural aging processes, implantation can be performed.

Preparation for the procedure

Preparation for the procedure involves detailed diagnostics, which consists of such elements as:

  • detailed bone assessment at the site of the planned implant,
  • preliminary examination – hygienic,
  • general research,
  • prosthetic plan.

At the Medical Clinic Podhale Art in Zakopane, we usually invite the patient for two visits. The first – general, during which the specialist assesses the condition of the dentition and discusses with the patient his expectations and the entire treatment process. Then the individual costs of the implantation procedure are estimated.

The next step is the examination performed in the office (assessment of diagnostic models and the thickness of the mucosa) and the collection of the so-called impressions. The patient may also receive a referral for general (urine and blood) examinations, pantomographic examination and / or computer tomography of the jaws. Finally, we present the patient with a detailed treatment plan (it may include preimplantation surgery procedures).


During the implant placement procedure, the dentist cuts and delaminates the mucosa. Then, with a special drill, he drills a hole into which he introduces the implant. Finally, the detached mucosa is sutured up. The entire procedure is performed under local anesthesia. Thanks to the precision of the surgical technique and the experience of our specialists, the level of nuisance for the patient is compared to the tooth extraction procedure.

The implantation procedure consists of five defined steps that allow you to achieve therapeutic success.

  • Diagnostics and qualification for the procedure – the doctor, on the basis of a clinical examination of the health of the oral cavity and additional tests (including X-ray examinations, CBCT computed tomography), assesses the possibility of supplementing the existing missing teeth with implants and selects the most optimal method.
  • Implantation – placing the implant in the bone – the implantologist under local anesthesia (the same as in the case of conservative treatment) prepares a “bed” using a special drill and places the implant in the bone. At this stage, a temporary prosthetic replacement of the missing tooth is prepared for the patient, which is intended for the healing period of the implant.
  • The healing period, the fusion of the implant with the bone – lasts from 6 weeks to several months, depending on the clinical situation of the implant placement. Then the implant is exposed and a special element (screw) is placed on it, shaping the surrounding gum.
  • Preparation of the prosthetic work placed on the implant – a new prosthetic crown or other solution (e.g. a bridge) is prepared in cooperation between a doctor and a prosthetic laboratory. The prosthetic piece is attached to the implant after the healing process is completed.
  • Fixing the final prosthetic work on the implant – the final prosthetic reconstruction mounted on the implant a allows you to smile, bite and function just like before losing a tooth.

Dental implants allow for permanent restoration of the full functionality and aesthetics of teeth. They improve the quality of life, providing patients with the highest comfort and guaranteeing a beautiful smile. Therefore, implantology provides a sense of naturalness and physical comfort, and restores self-confidence. It enables:

  • reconstruction of one tooth without the need to file healthy teeth in its vicinity,
  • reconstruction of a few teeth without disturbing the others,
  • bite reconstruction in the case of toothlessness – in this case, the specialist makes a complete denture.

Feel free to contact our facility – dental implants Zakopane, Chramcówki 7, tel: +48 570 401 401

Effects before and after treatments
see results
Before treatments
After treatments
Implant-retained zirconia bridges (top 6 implants, bottom 6 implants)
dentist Michał Szczepaniak
Before treatments
After treatments
The patient received bite reconstruction and zirconia crowns. The wing deficiencies were replaced with implant-supported zirconia bridges
dentist Michał Szczepaniak
Before treatments
After treatments
Missing teeth replaced with implants and bridges, porcelain crowns on zirconia substructure
dentist Michał Szczepaniak
efekty zabiegów stomatologicznych
Before treatments
efekty zabiegów stomatologicznych
After treatments
Reconstruction of occlusion, right upper wing deficiency replaced with implants, porcelain crowns on zirconia substructure
dentist Michał Szczepaniak
efekty zabiegów stomatologicznych
Before treatments
efekty zabiegów stomatologicznych
After treatments
Porcelain crowns on zirconia substructure, winged gaps restored with implants
dentist Michał Szczepaniak
Before treatments
After treatments
Bridge on a metal substructure, covered with porcelain on own teeth. Six implants were also placed. Prosthetic restoration was performed.
dentist Michał Szczepaniak
Before treatments
After treatments
Top restored with implants, porcelain crowns on zirconia substructure
dentist Michał Szczepaniak
Before treatments
After treatments
Performed 8 implants on top and 6 on bottom + porcelain bridge with metal substructure
dentist Michał Szczepaniak
Specialists performing treatments
meet our team
Treatments and consultations price catalog
Detailed list
Dental surgery
Milk tooth
PLN 150 – 200
Chopper tooth
PLN 250
Premolar tooth
PLN 250 – 300
Molar tooth
PLN 350 – 500
Eight tooth
PLN 400 – 500
Stopped eight tooth
PLN 600 – 800
Dressing (sewing the wound)
PLN 50 – 100
Laser cutting of the frenulum
PLN 300 – 500
Closure of the oro-sinus connection
PLN 300 – 400
Laser removal of the gingival hood
PLN 200
Abscess incision
PLN 200
Laser lengthening of the tooth crown
PLN 200
Lifting the bottom of the maxillary sinus using the closed method
PLN 1500
Lifting the bottom of the maxillary sinus using the open method
PLN 4500 – 5000
PLN 2500
Bone augmentation
PLN 700
Unilateral bone cleft
PLN 1500
Acrylic partial denture
PLN 1300
Complete acrylic denture
PLN 1500
Acrylic denture with Ivoclar teeth
PLN 1700
Skeletal prosthesis
PLN 3000
Crown with a metal foundation
PLN 1300
Zirconia crown
PLN 2100
A crown on an implant with a metal foundation
PLN 2700
A crown on an implant with a zirconia foundation
PLN 3200
Bridge span on implants
PLN 1500 – 2000
Porcelain veneer
PLN 1800
Dentures on tenants
Prosthesis on 2 locators
PLN 7000
Prosthesis on 3 locators
PLN 10000
Prosthesis on 4 locators
PLN 13000
Dentures on tenants + implants
Denture on 2 locators + 2 implants
PLN 12000
Denture with 3 locators + 3 implants
PLN 17500
Denture with 4 locators + 4 implants
PLN 23000
Temporary prosthetics
Temporary prosthetics after implant surgery
PLN 1000